Discover the partnership that took place last week between H.R.H Prince Nereides Antonio Giamundo de Bourbon and Valentina Castellani Quinn.

It happens that international celebrities decide to join forces for global missions. Glamour and business, luxury and finance are often connected.
It is the case of the partnership that took place last week between H.R.H Prince Nereides Antonio Giamundo de Bourbon and Valentina Castellani Quinn.
Prince Nereides, founder and chairman of the Parisian conglomerate NEREIDES Group and its divisions based in Place Vendôme, a beloved figure of the international jet-set, a scion of one of the most important royal families in Europe, known to the international press as a fashion icon, a confirmed finance strategist, a successful business man and an artist, a devoted entrepreneur in different sectors such as haute couture, skincare, biotechnology, healthcare, art, sport, real estate, and also known for his philanthropic commitment through the NEREIDES Foundation.

Valentina Castellani Quinn, a Hollywood winning film producer, chairman of Quinn Studios Entertainment in Los Angeles and an acclaimed spokesperson for many charity projects, sport, educational programs, co-producer of international film festivals and business forums, continuing the legacy of the Academy Award winning actor Anthony Quinn, in the fields of art and entertainment.
Concurrently to her activity as film producer and official muse of Nereides Diamond Elixir skincare since March 2021, Valentina Castellani Quinn has just been appointed Global Media Officer for the NEREIDES Group. Joining their forces and missions, NEREIDES Group and Quinn Studios are developing multiple sustainable projects combining luxury and entertainment with philanthropy.

“Public persons are committed to use their own visibility for social impact projects. It is a mission but also a duty. Valentina and I, we decided to join our forces and values with the ambitious willingness to contribute to the world positive change. Especially in the post-Covid world, we cannot be blind to social and economic global changes. We should not care of competitors, we should especially take care of customers and the environment. Above all, business industries should cooperate for better sustainable solutions. Together with Valentina, we are pioneering social and environment sustainable programs and we wish to create a bridge between countries. The strength of our NEREIDES Group lies in our international network and community and in our capacity to adapt our business model to fast changes. We are creators of new opportunities and we constantly push ourselves towards new and positive horizons. Our emblem is the mermaid, the symbol par excellence of independence and individuality, awareness and insight, renewal and good luck. We are a brave team of leaders and we constantly project ourselves into the future by treasuring our heritage and transforming it in new experiences. We actively promote research, diversity and innovation. Excellence, endurance and transformation are the distinguishing features of our Group’s success and the unconditional values that we expect to run into the future with experience, creativity and confidence”, stated H.R.H. Prince Nereides Antonio Giamundo de Bourbon.

The celebrity duo announced its ambitious project for the very first time on September 4, 2020 at the NEREIDES event in Venice during the 77 Venice Film Festival when Cate Blanchett and Diego Boneta were awarded for their commitment in the entertainment world and as an inspiration for NEREIDES Group. In particular, Cate Blanchett was awarded by Prince Nereides with the aim to promote one of the missions at the NEREIDES Foundation, the ‘women’s empowerment’ program that both Prince Nereides and Miss Castellani Quinn are bringing around the world alongside other sustainable projects.
Luxury, sustainability and charity are common threats to Prince Nereides and Valentina. Last year, Prince Nereides made an initial investment of 10 million euros in biotechnology research disclosing its sustainability program and a biodiversity strategy, thus attiring the attention of many international partners and humanitarian organizations. During the Parisian haute couture fashion week in January 2021, Prince Nereides also launched Nereides Diamond Elixir, an extreme luxury skincare collection made by real diamonds and inspired by the meeting of Prince Nereides with Cate Blanchett and by her beauty, combining luxury and sustainability. Nereides Diamond Elixir anti-aging skincare line is the result of the latest novel Swiss biotechnology that induces the skin rejuvenation through the continued use of devices such as mobile phones and computers: the screen of digital devices affects the skin cells while recharging their nucleus and restoring tone and brightness. The scientists at the NEREIDES Group have also developed new techniques for the cultivation of natural ingredients in the laboratory such as the cultivation of moss, one of ingredients of Nereides’ skincare products, thus promoting biodiversity and avoiding the uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources.

Likewise, Valentina Castellani Quinn has also developed various projects with a humanitarian and social background, shedding light on global topics such as religions, sport, people discrimination and the world peace.
Continuing their legacy and values, Prince Nereides and Valentina decided to make a bridge between Hollywood and Paris and the rest of the world bringing their confirmed business experience to Africa and Asia.
As first international destination, Prince Nereides de Bourbon and Valentina Castellani made a bridge to Middle East where Valentina landed last week, starring and co-producing the CC Forum, a business forum created by Max Studennikoff which focuses on sustainability and representing the projects that Quinn Studios and NEREIDES Group are now developing including film production, sport and the Nereides Diamond Elixir skincare novel biotechnology.
"I loved to work in this new initiative and bring to the forum a touch of Hollywood and the entertainment business. I'm working with Max in expanding the Forum in a more Kaleidoscopic way, involving sport and entertainment, health, education and social impact projects. I am proud to represent Quinn Studios and NEREIDES Group in such international events and to be an example for other women leaders”, stated Valentina Castellani Quinn.

The CC Forum is structured in 3 chapters: Dubai in March 2021, Monte-Carlo in July 2021, in synergy with Cannes Film Festival, and London in October 2021. Inside the CC Forum Dubai, Valentina led a powerful ‘Women’s Empowerment’ speaking panel with HH Shaikha Noora Al Khalifa of Bahrain and HH Shaikha Hend Al Qasseni. She spoke important words of wisdom in taking up the path of social responsibility starting from a humbling difficult moment of tragedy, the death of her husband Francesco Quinn, son of iconic actor Anthony Quinn. A moment which led her to make courageous choices and landed to the creation of QUINN STUDIOS ENTERTAINMENT. Miss Castellani-Quinn also spoke about the projects she is working in partnership with Prince Nereides de Bourbon including a film on the Polo, a sport revered in the Emirates, and two documentaries on the Native Americans, and the people living with the Albinism in Africa, two important causes strongly supported by NEREIDES Group.

"A Film is nowadays, the most impactful platform, to convey new ideas and teach to international masses. So much can be done. It is what we are doing with our new film production, the “White Snake" film that will have the Native American people and their main Chief inside. What happened at Standing Rock is an important tale to tell. It was humanity against technology. The protests spoke loudly to the world about the importance of respecting the planet and the environment but, more importantly, to remember who we are as human beings, resonating together as one with the planet, with each other, and our soul. New technologies are out there that have proved successful in other countries that will ignite a new ‘system’ which beats in harmony with the heartbeat of the planet", stated Valentina Castellani Quinn.

“To change the world you have to change your mentality. Communication is the first step towards radical changes. I decided to enter the entertainment world driven by the awareness that films can sensibilize people while spreading art and beauty. Films enter families’ homes and can convey sensitive messages through the power of images. One of the films we are planning to produce concerns the communities of people living with the Albinism in Africa that I am supporting through the NEREIDES Foundation. We are supporting a community of over 10’000 people living with Albinism in Senegal and we are building two shelters for homeless children in Senegal and Guinea Conakry providing protection, food, medical assistance and education. A percentage of the sales of all NEREIDES products, including the Nereides Diamond Elixir skincare, is devolved to our philanthropic missions such as the protection of children, of women and the environment. Sustainability is about caring, and we should awake. The world needs a radical change and we are responsible for our social and natural environment”, stated Prince Nereides Antonio Giamundo de Bourbon.

In terms of sustainability, Valentina Castellani Quinn is the official Muse and Ambassador of Nereides Diamond Elixir, the ultimate luxury skincare ritual that is climbing the podium as one of the most luxury and sustainable product lines of the year. The CC Forum hosted a series of International panelists and for the first time a team from Israel, which today is one of the leading countries developing sustainable technology and where both Prince Nereides and Valentina are paying their attention.

In Dubai, Valentina Castellani also met with His Excellency Awadh Mohd Sheikh Majrin Bin Sultan, one of the Forum honored guests. She spoke with His Excellency about the constant development of Dubai, the City infrastructure and the creation of green and walkable areas which will "connect" the city to different areas. "Dubai is a city built very quickly around the desert, without an urban plan. A series of eclectic skyscrapers marks the horizon, what the city needs the most now is a sense of sustainable community. Park areas, promenades and green paths. Dubai is an important platform now-days for new projects and investments. It takes a firm mind and tremendous focus in such a growing business environment like Dubai, to discern and direct the energies of our Studios towards specific projects without getting distracted by the million offers of partnership and collaboration”, stated Valentina. At the same time as to Middle East countries, Prince Nereides de Bourbon and Valentina Castellani Quinn are expanding to China with skincare and fashion, entertainment and art, bringing the best skills from Paris and Hollywood to the foreign markets and creating new business and job opportunities. Discover more on: www.nereidesgroup.com www.quinnstudiosentertainment.com Instagram: @nereidesgroupofficial @quinnstudiosentertainment
